Profiling in the Water: Yes, it’s a Thing
As a surfer, you should be prepared to be a recipient and active participant in profiling. I’m not talking about the type of profiling where the jackass clerk follows youRead More
Black People Surf? Yes, We Do.
yes, black people surf. have you ever had to answer question like this? It’s a question I deal with often from both white people and minorities. I hear it inRead More
How to Start Surfing
how to start surfing It sounds like such an obvious topic – how to start surfing – but when our team dug into it, it became clear that this deservedRead More
Want to Get Ripped? Start Surfing Now.
you need to start surfing. now. surfing can transform your body Surfing will expose you to amazing experiences, exotic places, and a new outlook. But today, we’re here to talkRead More